Tuesday 9 October 2018

Being Scientists

The children received a letter from Grace Darling this week asking if they could help her find the best material for her coat on the wet, windy Farne Islands. They decided what they would do to make it a fair test and carried out a simple investigation to find out which of the materials Grace had suggested would make the most suitable coat. 
Although the children found that the tinfoil was waterproof they decided that it wouldn't be a suitable material for a waterproof jacket as it was too fragile and would break or tear easily.  Therefore they concluded that the thin plastic would make the most suitable material for Grace's coat. 

We did have a surprise with the felt.......... at first it appeared to be waterproof as the water sat on top of it for over 20 minutes, but as predicted it eventually showed itself to be absorbant and soaked the water up. 

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