Friday, 17 March 2017

Science Week 2017

Science Week 2017
My class explored many experiments...
Walking Water
We predicted what we thought would happen. Some children thought that it would grow legs and walk away! Interestingly, the water travelled up the kitchen roll and into the middle cup until the cups all had the same amount of water in them. The colour of the water was green in the middle cup too! We worked out that this was because you get green when you mix blue and yellow.
Skittles Rainbow
We poured warm water onto skittles to see what would happen. The colour came off the skittles and turned the water into a rainbow. The skittles turned white.

Make a Rainbow
We explored what would happen to a black felt tip pen dot on different paper. Our sketch book paper and sugar paper did noting except make a black puddle. The ink on the paper towel and tissue spread out. We noticed that we could see other colours. We saw pink, purple, yellow, blue and black. We tried other colours, but they did not change.

Floating Rainbow
First we put food colouring into some milk. Then we dipped a cotton bud into washing up liquid. When we put it into the milk, the colours moved away from it in a circle pattern.

Results of the walking water....

 Kitchen Chemistry
We wanted to talk about changing states. We used ingredients to make a dough and then cooked it to make bread. The children had to describe each state.

We put some flowers into blue coloured water to see what would have. We have waited 3 days and nothing has happened yet!!!!!

Shadow Fun
Luckily, Wednesday was a sunny day so we could complete this experiment. We went outside every hour to see what would happen to a shadow. We noticed that it got shorter each hour in the morning and longer in the afternoon. It took us a while to realise that it was the sun that helped make the shadows outside and that the sun moves across the sky during the day.

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