Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Science Day in Year 1/2

What a wonderful day! 

The children in year 1/2 had a great day full of science.  We started off by posing lots of questions, then we worked out how we could find answers to them and had lots of fun trying to answer them.

We made lots of careful observations, recorded data and learnt and used a lot of scientific vocabulary.

  • What will make the ice melt the fastest ?
  • If eggs are soaked in vinegar for three days what effect does it have on them ? 
  • If we soak gingerbread men in milk, vinegar, water and oil will they all look the same after a certain time ?

  • What happens to food colouring in milk when washing up liquid is added ?  Why ?

  • Can we make the water travel  ? 
  • Will chocolate buttons all melt the same amount, regardless of who is holding them?
  • Does white chocolate melt as easily as milk chocolate ?

  • Does cold water make the balloon inflate or does the water have to be hot ? 
  • Why does the balloon inflate when the bottle is placed in hot water ?
Don't forget to ask your children what we found out !


  1. Thank you for letting me come and visit today, Year 1/2! The children that I spoke to made me feel very welcome and could explain what they were learning very well indeed. I heard lots of key Science vocabulary being used and it was great to see so many Linking Lizards in the class! Well done, 1/2C!

  2. I've been hearing all about these wonderful experiments... we are going to do some of them at home as well! I particularly like the 'hot air balloon' one.

    1. After our "eggy" experiment....where we soaked hard boiled eggs in vinegar for three days and found out that they became really bouncy, the children wondered how their bounciness compared to that of a normal boiled egg. I have challenged them to find out!
