Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Science Day

Today was Science Day!

We worked on a number of experiments over the course of the day. 
We watched water travel from one glass to another, then added food colouring and watched the colours mix and change. 

We looked at ice cubes melting and then discussed the change from solid to liquid.

At the end of the session we had a competition to see which team could melt their ice cube the fastest. Well done Hollee, Travis, Megan, Lucy, Robert and Mason! Your ice cube melted first!


  1. Thank you for letting me come visit your class today, Year 2! You were all working as fantastic Teamwork Toucans and you asked some fantastic questions. It was wonderful to see you be Linking Lizards and apply what you have learned in your Materials topic in to this Science work. The predictions you made were well thought out too. Well done, everyone!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful day. Isla told me all about it..... she loved it and learnt a lot.
