Wednesday, 24 April 2019

African Finale

Thank you all for joining us at our Finale. The children have all worked so hard over the term and loved showing you everything they have learnt. The grown ups got to enjoy necklace making, mask painting and African dancing to name but a few!

Yorkshire Wildlife Park Trip

Sorry for the delay in our pictures.... I hope you have all had a nice Easter holiday.
We had a great time at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. The weather was great and the children behaved beautifully!

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Wow! Growth and Change!

What an amazing start to our new topic of growth and change! 

We have worked through a carousel of activites in the 5 year 1/2 classrooms and outside taking part in a range of activities such as minibeast hunts, plant identification, seed planting, barefoot walks and making wormeries!

In 1B we planted seeds.

We planted a special type of sunflower called a Teddy Bear Sunflower!

This is what it will look like when it grows ...

We look forward to seeing how you all get on growing them. 

Growth and Change Wow Day

As an introduction to our new topic the children had a fun-filled day exploring different textures on our senses walk.  They walked through soft sand, squelchy mud, smooth pebbles, cool water,  coarse grass, leaves and spongy bark.  It was all very exciting!!  They collected vocabulary to describe what they felt and back in class were able to access an online thesaurus to see if they could find any more impressive synonyms..........ask them if they can remember any of the wonderful vocabulary we found. 

They also had a great time exploring our Nature Area, identifying a range of plants and having their very own minibeast hunt.   

The children also took part in making a wormery, although due to the sunny weather we have had lately we struggled to find worms to live in their fantastic new homes!!

They designed butterfly gardens, made their own plant pots and planted seeds but I think their favourite part of the day was meeting our new school pets.  Watch this space for their new names !!

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Learning Cricket Skills

Last week, we were lucky enough to have a cricket coach from the club, A Chance to Shine, work with  Year 1/2.
We had the opportunity to learn speed and dodging skills, throwing and catching as well as target practice.
It was great fun.