Wednesday, 28 March 2018

World Book Day Fun in Year 1/2

What a wonderful day it was in year 1/2! 

 The children all looked amazing dressed as their words and 
we all learnt lots of new vocabulary.  

Mrs Cotton's Class visit Lincoln Castle

The children really enjoyed their Medieval banquet at the castle.  Can you spot the King, Queen, Lord, Lady and Jester ? 
 Here we are learning about the roles of squires and knights from the past.  We all had a turn and shooting a bow and arrow.  

Has anyone spotted Mr Newberry ? 

A full wall walk, in the beautiful sunshine. 

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Mrs Dodge's Trip to the Castle

We got to try on the armour and helmets....
We got to practise our archery skills...

 We went on the LONG wall walk (and the rain held off for us!)...

The Lord and Lady of the castle entertained the King and Queen at a banquet...

We made our own coat of arms on a shield...

Mrs Allen/Miss Dawkins Castle Trip